
It is possible to copy the definition of frame section properties from one model to another using interactive database editing as follows:

(1) Say that you have an existing Model A that contains a definition common frame section properties that you need to copy to a new Model B.

(2) Create the Model B as a new model and define the relevant load cases in it.

(3) To copy the definition of frame section properties from Model A to Model B, do the following:

    * Open Model A, go to "Orb (large circular bridge icon)> Export > Text" and select all tables under "MODEL DEFINITION > Property Definitions > Frame Section Properties" for export. Click OK to export the model to a text file.

    * Open Model B, go to "Orb > Import > Text" and import the previously exported text file. Make sure to chose the "Add to existing model" option and carefully check the import log for possible errors or warnings.

    * After saving the changes, the frame section properties from model A are now available in Model B.